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Advensum — innovation, science, technology

«Advensum» is the flagship for the promotion of new medical technologies and a partner with leading medical product manufacturers from more than 30 countries around the world.

«Advensum» occupies leading position on the market in the sphere of medical equipment and expandable materials.

Progress is our work. Technologies and methods of application is our product.

Commitment to new technologies and desire to develop the advanced methods of treatment allowed us to become the reliable partner for the leading world producers of medical equipment and expandable materials.

Our distribution network covers encompasses territory with a population of over 250 million people.

The company employs 209 people including 144 with higher education and 7 holding academic degrees. We are proud of our staff and we are committed to their professional growth. The company provides employees with exceptional opportunities for education and training in Russia and abroad.

Our equipment and supplies meet environmental standards and are safe for people and nature. In 2012, the company became the winner of the prestigious Global Eco Brand award for intensive implementation of environmentally sound standards in the practice of Russian medical institutions.

загрузка карты...
   Russia, Moscow, Govorova st., 16-6
   +7 (499) 707 00 07
+7 (499) 707-00-07
Адрес: 121354,г. Москва,,
вн.тер. г. Муниципальный Округ Можайский, ул Дорогобужская,
дом 14, строение 40
Адвенсум сотрудничает с большим количеством компаний в России. Вы можете посмотреть всех партнёров Партнёры
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Адвенсум — новые медицинские технологии © 2012 – 2024 Создание сайта — ИЕСА
Система Orphus